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Research has been conducted to investigate which combination of sound and subtitles in L1/L2 most effectively helps L2 learners understand the movies. The findings, however, are inconclusive: Holobow et al. (1984) found bi-modal (L2 sound + L2 subtitles) better suits advanced learners and Danan (1992) suggested bi-modal arid reversed mode (L2 subtitles + L1 sound) enhance learners' comprehension more than standard (L1 subtitles + L2 sound) mode. While targeting intermediate Japanese EFL learners, Yoshida et al. (1998) revealed standard and reversed modes are more efficient than bi-modal. To elucidate variables such as the English proficiency of subjects and the long-term effects on L2 learners' listening comprehension skills (rather than analysing comprehensibility of different modalities based on one session research as done in most previous studies), this study explores which mode is more beneficial for intermediate and advanced Japanese EFL learners over a span of 15 weeks. Advanced Japanese EFL learners are presented with a DVD movie in a standard mode vs. bi-modal framework (Experiment 1) and intermediate Japanese EFL learners in a standard vs. reversed mode structure (Experiment 2) respectively. The results in Experiment 1 showed that there is no difference between the standard and bi-modal presentations in terms of effects on Japanese advanced EFL learners' listening skills. It was also suggested, however, that the learners' listening skills improve in both modalities over the 4-month period differentially, depending on which method to use: the standard mode appeared to enhance listening comprehension on shorter sentences while the bi-modal group improved their comprehension skills on longer discourse. Experiment 2 produced the results that both modes are effective in enhancing intermediate learners' listening skills to a similar extent over 15 weeks. Additionally it was indicated that the reversed mode results in listeners paying more attention to both L1 sound and L2 subtitles than with the standard mode with its L2 audio and L1 subtitles.
- 福井大学の論文
- 2001-12-21
- L2 Listening/Fast-Reading Skills Developed by Using DVD Movies in the Classroom('National Policy' for Foreign Language Education : Searching for the Ideal)
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