<総説>クリスチャン・ビーク『遺伝学に関連した法の多義性 : 社会不安の緩和のためか,人間の条件を守るためか』
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The word 'gene' has become a magic word, a mordern key to a complete understanding of the human being. The book of the genes is supposed to reveal our past and much of our future. Is it this that lies at the root of our fears of the development of genetic testing and gene therapy? Or, is it rather the risks involved in the actual procedures of testing and cure that we fear? Indeed, different types of fear may be identified. 1) One is related to the technical aspects of the new procedures apllied not only to the human but also to the environment. 2) Our increasing knowledge about the links between genes and diseases raises a number of questions. What shall we do with this new information? Who is to use it? How are we to protect the integrity of the individual person? 3) A third type of fear is derived from the belief that the new genetic techniques may affect human nature itself. Indeed, the third type of fear is reflected in several different national reactions to genetics.
- 福井大学の論文
- 2000-06-30
山本 達
金山 ひとみ
石橋 義彦
小野 恵美
児子 真之
真木 史子
山本 達
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- クリスチャン・ビーク『遺伝学に関連した法の多義性 : 社会不安の緩和のためか,人間の条件を守るためか』
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