ブラマンテの建築実践を支える理論体系 : サン・ピュトロ大聖堂再建事業におけるミケランジェロの計画案 その2
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The present paper attempts to reveal the theoretical basis of Bramante's architectural practice, using Ernst Cassirer's interpretation of the philosophical thought of Leonardo da Vinci. Cassirer claims that Leonardo's theoretical accomplishment lies in the new concept of the 'necessity of nature'. Leonardo considers that nature is governed by the immanent and unbreakable laws, which are not detectable through a mere accumulation and comparison of sensible experiences, so that the spontaneity of the mathematical understanding is indispensable for uncovering those qualities of nature that bring forth the objectively beautiful. Given that Bramante came into frequent contact with Leonardo in Milan, it is probable that he adopted this theory for architectural practice and developed a universally valid design method.
- 2006-11-30
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