繁華街の各種照明が夜間景観に与える影響に関する研究 : 新宿区歌舞伎町1丁目を事例として
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This research has clarified the characteristic of the lighting environment that composes the night cityscape which is an another face of the city. The commercial district (Kabukicho in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo), the typical place that various lightings are consolidated, was selected to analyze the lighting environment as sum of public lightings and shop lightings. Analyze was advanced by using the evaluation axis of the intensity of illumination and the color temperature. As a result, the intensity of illumination fairly filled the standard in a large-scaled, high density commercial district like the Kabukicho, and the need of new evaluation axis like the color temperature were clarified. It also became clear that in the commercial district, the shop lightings do influenced the intensity of illumination of the street, while public lightings effects the color temperature of the street. At the end, it became clear that the light that leaked from the entrance of the building increases both the intensity of illumination and the color temperature of the shop lightings.
- 2005-12-30
後藤 春彦
後藤 春彦
李 永桓
李 彰浩
李 永桓
早稲田大学理工学研究科 博士課程
福武 洋之
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