- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper examines the process and mechanism through which young people are differentiated and sorted into various locations in society during the stage of extended adolescence. It examines: (1) how social origin affects class position at the time of initial entry into the labor market, and (2) how social origin and the initial entry position affect current class position. The data come from the 2000, 2001, and 2002 Japanese General Social Surveys. The analysis is restricted to respondents who were 20 to 35 years old. The analysis of the determinants of initial class position reveals that the father's class position and parental education have a significant influence on entry position. The effects of class origin and parental education are mediated through the youth's own educational attainment, so the direct effects of social origin on entry position were not clearly visible. For example, male adolescents whose fathers engaged in white-collar work have better access to professional-managerial positions and jobs in large firms than those of other class origins, because of their greater chances of receiving higher education. In addition, the assistance of schools and public employment offices in the transition from school to work and the immediate transition to work following graduation increased the chances of finding regular employment among males, and the assistance of schools and public employment offices increases the chances of finding regular employment, professional-managerial work, and employment in a large firm, among females. The attainment of current class position is strongly influenced by the entry class position: there is consistency in the class position between the two periods. The entry position continues to affect later positions regardless of social origin, educational attainment, and labor market conditions. When youth are engaged in professional-managerial work or work for a large firm, they have a much higher chance of being in such a position at a later time than those who begin their careers otherwise. It is also found that beginning one's career in atypical or non-regular employment leads to an increased chance of being in that type of employment at a later time. In addition, if the youth unemployment rate is high at the time when young males first enter the labor market, this has an enduring negative effect on their chance of obtaining regular employment and professional-managerial jobs at a later period in life. Thus, "bad luck" at the time of entry into the labor market continues to affect later career progression among males.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2005-05-30
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- 2.JLPS(東大社研パネル調査)に見る若年者の意識変化(2) : をめぐる意識に着目して(III-2部会 若者と進路,研究発表III)
- 2.JLPS(東大社研パネル調査)に見る若年者の意識変化(1) : 変容する意識の国際比較(I-2部会 若者の意識,研究発表I)
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- 3.高卒者の進路選択と意識に関する実証研究(1) : 保護者の役割をとらえなおす(II-6部会 進路と教育(1),研究発表II,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 1. 社研パネル調査(JLPS)に見る若年者の交際と結婚(V-7部会 【一般部会】若年層とその意識,研究発表V,一般研究報告)
- 4. 社研パネル調査に見る若年者のキャリア(III-5部会 【一般部会】進路とキャリア,研究発表III,一般研究報告)
- 2. 東大社研パネル調査(JLPS)に見る若年者の教育・就業・家族形成(III-8部会 社会構造と教育(1),研究発表III,一般研究報告)
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- 生活保護の受給期間 : 廃止世帯からみた考察
- 4. 東大社研パネル調査(JLPS)からわかる現代日本の若者像(1) : 格差の蓄積(I-2部会 【一般部会】進路と教育I(社会的背景),研究発表I)
- 3. 東大社研パネル調査(JLPS)からわかる現代日本の若者像(3) : 自立への道程(II-10部会 【一般部会】進路と教育II(キャリアデザイン),研究発表II)
- 4. 東大社研パネル調査(JLPS)からわかる現代日本の若者像(2) : 学校から職業への移行(IV-7部会 【一般部会】進路と教育IV(就職),研究発表IV)
- 2. 大学選択の社会経済的格差とその変容(III-2部会 【テーマ部会】社会階層と教育研究の現状と課題,研究発表III)
- 4. 若年・壮年者の学校から職業への移行と教育意識 : 東大社研のパネル調査の分析結果から(I-6部会 進路と教育(1),研究発表I)