ナド句の文法的位置付けをめぐって : 連体修飾成分との異同の検討
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The constituent attached nado (it is hereafter called nado phrase) illustrates the contents of a following noun phrase, without any adnominal marker (e.g.-toitta). This paper consid-ers the difference between nado phrase and adnominal constituent, and examines a gram-matical status of this kind of nado-phrases. This paper discusses the order of nadophrase and modifier of the following noun phrase. Our finding is that nado-phrase can change the position only with a non-restrictive adnominal constituent. This is because nadophrase has a function as jouhou-fuka' (i it is used to append additional information to the head noun), which is the same as non-restrictive constituent. However, nado-phrase carries out the modification not of a mere noun phrase, but of a noun phrase as a constituent of a sentence. Moreover, this type of usage is only a part of the whole usage of nado-phrase. It is neutral whether nado-phrase modifies a noun phrase or another constituent, and the function of nado phrase derives from iche relation of the semantic contents of the nado-phrase itself and a following constituent.
- 広島大学の論文
- 2002-02-28
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- ナド句の文法的位置付けをめぐって : 連体修飾成分との異同の検討
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