- 論文の詳細を見る
The main aim of this paper is to clarify the relation between a Kakari particle and an Ending particle in Japan. Next three points of proposals are as follows: 1) The close relation of two kinds of particles has been proved to be same group clearly, because their areas of dialects distributions of "ZO" were shared with the same districts. 2) Dr. Susumu Ono says that an Ending particle changed into a Kakari particle. But the author claimes that the Kakari changed into the Ending. 3) The "Ka" of Kakari particle is more familiar than "ZO" in Aichi prefecture, because of having various language forms and usages. The new form of "ZO" is gradually declinning, although it emerged in old capital of Japan.
- 2002-02-28
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- 渥美半島方言助詞の研究(III)
- 地理言語学の時代
- 渥美半島方言助詞の研究 (II)
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- 柴田博士のコメントに対する回答