Numerical Analysis of Cavitating Flow of Magnetic Fluid in a Vertical Venturi Channel(<Special Issue>Advanced Fusion of Functional Fluids Engineering)
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The fundamental multiphase flow characteristics of the two-dimensional cavitating flow of magnetic fluid in a vertical venturi channel under a strong nonuniform magnetic field are numerically predicted to realize the further development and high performance of the new type of a two-phase fluid driving system using magnetic fluids. First, the governing equations of the cavitating flow of a hexane-based magnetic fluids based on the unsteady thermal nonequilibrium two-fluid model are presented and several two-phase flow characteristics are numerically calculated taking into account the effect of the strong nonuniform magnetic field. Based on the numerical results, the two-dimensional structure of the cavitating flow and cloud cavity formation of the magnetic fluid through a vertical venturi channel are shown in detail. The numerical results demonstrate that effective two-phase magnetic driving force and fluid acceleration at the venturi channel are obtained by the practical use of the magnetization of the working fluid. Also clarified is the precise control of the cavitating flow of magnetic fluid that is possible by effective use of the magnetic body force which acts on cavitation bubbles.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-08-15
石本 淳
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Ishimoto Jun
Institute Of Fluid Science Tohoku University
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
Kamiyama Shinichi
Institue Of Fluid Science Tohoku University
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