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David Easton defines politics as "authoritative allocation of values". Politics are divided into distributive politics and recognitive ones. Distributive politics is based on welfare value which can be distributed and divided like money, natural resources and food and so forth. Recognitive politics is based on deference value which can be neither distributed nor divided like nationalism, ideology, religion and so forth. The welfare value has its root deep in desires of human beings to live physically. Meanwhile, the deference value has the deep feelings of human beings to live mentally. While distributive politics is based on desires, the recognitive are based on emotions. Although these politics do not exist separately, they do together in one political process. It depends historically which politics are more influential. Roughly speaking, recognitive politics are characteristic to ancient times and the medieval period under strong influence of religions. The origins of recognitive politics is Plato, who thought emotions more important than desires to politics. In the Renaissance, Machiavelli thought desires as much more important than emotions to politics. The modern period, the door of which Hobbes opened in terms of politics, is characterized by distributive politics because it is secularized. Recognitive politics returned to the present post-modern period in the 21st century because of a revitalization of religions like Islam.
- 桜美林大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
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