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IEEE standard 754 is widely used as a standard of floating-point arithmetic. Most of CPUs in today's computers support IEEE standard 754. Using double precision arithmetic following IEEE standard 754, the authors have proposed fast methods of verifying the accuracy of a numerical solution of a linear system. In this paper, an accurate and fast verification method for a linear system is developed using residual iteration method. The residual iteration requires the availability of high precision computation. Up to now, extended precision, i.e. multiple precision and quadruple precision are used for the accurate computation of the residual. However, such higher precision arithmetic systems are not necessarily available on all computers. Therefore, the residual iteration using such systems does not have the portability. In this paper, an accurate, fast and portable method for a linear system using the fact that an algorithm of accurate dot product can portably be implemented and applied to the residual iteration. Finally, numerical results are presented showing the effectiveness of the proposed verification method.
- 2006-09-19
太田 貴久
早稲田大学 理工学術院
大石 進一
早稲田大学 理工学術院 基幹理工学部 応用数理学科
荻田 武史
大石 進一
早稲田大 理工学術院
荻田 武史
東京女子大学 現代教養学部 数理科学科
荻田 武史
科学技術振興機構(JST), 戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST), 早稲田大学理工学術院
大石 進一
荻田 武史
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