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The finite element method (FEM), an advanced numerical method supported by computer technology, is introduced to the biomechanical research on hydrocephalus. First, a two dimensional finite element analysis is performed to clarify the stress distribution in hydrocephalic brain. It shows a characteristic stress concentration at anterolateral part of the frontal horn of lateral ventricle. The distribution of stress concentration coincides with that of periventricular lucency on CT scan. The stress concentration seems to be a mechanical basis of peiventricular lucency. Second, the theory of consolidation is introduced to represent the coupled behavior of tissue and fluid in hydrocephalic brain. A computer simulation of the hydrocephalic process has been carried out by the FEM to evaluate the mathematical model. The result of the computer simulation is compared with the findings of X ray CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of hydrocephalic patients. Consequently, the progress of the periventricular cerebrospinal fluid edema and ventricular enlargement is represented qualitatively very well. In qualitative terms, the theory of consolidation is proved to be valid as a model of hydrocephalic brain. The theory of consolidation provides a basic multiphasic model which describes the coupled behavior of tissue and fluid in hydrocephalic process. In considering the future of FEM analysis in biomechanical research on hydrocephalus, this new method will provide a completely inovated approach to quantitative and comprehensive analysis.
- 神戸大学の論文
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