Risk Factors for Heatstroke among Japanese Forestry Workers
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Risk Factors for Heatstroke among Japanese Forestry Workers: Takafumi MAEDA, et al. Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine-We examined the risk factors for heatstroke among forestry workers in Japan during the summer. We distributed a questionnaire to 124 forestry workers to determine heatstroke symptoms, degree of sweating and hydration, as well as perceived hotness and amount of sunlight at work sites. Forty of the workers (32.3%) reported experiencing heatstroke symptoms. Thirteen and 21 of them reported such symptoms during July and August, respectively. Eleven workers experienced heatstroke at around 14:00; 5 and 4 developed symptoms at around 11:00 and 10:00, respectively. Groups with and without heatstroke symptoms significantly differed in terms of perceived hotness (p<0.05), sunlight (p<0.05), degree of sweating (p<0.01) and frequency of hydration (p<0.05) while working. Heatstroke symptoms developed in 60.6% of workers aged up to 50 yr, but in only 22.0% of those over the age of 51 (p<0.01). Multiple regression analysis selected the following key variables associated with the development of heatstroke symptoms (R^2=0.236 and p=0.006): frequency of urination, hotness, BMI and years of forestry work (standard coefficients: +0.229, +0.194, +0.280 and -0.162, respectively). The results of the present study showed that one third of forestry workers developed some symptoms of early heatstroke during summer forestry work. Furthermore, the results indicate that a short duration of forestry service was one of the risk factors contributing to the onset of heatstroke, in addition to heat stress, loss of body water and electrolytes, and obesity.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
Maeda Takafumi
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fuskushima Medical University
Maeda Takafumi
Hokkaido University
Fukushima Tetsuhito
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
Fukushima Tetsuhito
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Sugawara Akiko
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine:health
Sugawara Akiko
福島県立医科大学 衛生学
前田 享史
福島県立医科大学 衛生
Kaneko Shin-ya
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine School Of Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Kaneko Shin-ya
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fuskushima Medical University
Maeda Takafumi
Fukushima Medical University
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fuskushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Tanaka Kazuko
Fukushima Medical University
Maeda Takafumi
I) Department Of Hygiene Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University
OHTA Mitsuhiro
Department of Applied Chemistry, Muroran Institute of Technology
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
SASAKI Akihiko
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
Ohta Mitsuhiro
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Maeda T
Fukushima Medical Univ. Jpn
Tanaka Kazuko
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
前田 享史
福島県立医科大学 医学部 衛生学講座
Maeda Takafumi
福島県立医科大学 衛生学講座
Sato Akihiko
Dept. Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Fukushima Tetsuhito
Department Of Hygiene &preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Shinshu University
Maeda Takafumi
Department Of Physiological Anthropology Kyushu Institute Of Design
Kaneko Shin-ya
Department Of Hygiene And Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Tanaka Kazuko
Department Of Geography Faculty Of Letters Kyoto University
Sasaki Akihiko
Department Of Electronic Engineering Tohoku University
Fukushima Tetuhito
Department Of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Department of Hygiene & Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
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