Higher Order Terms in the Improved Mean Field Approximation for the IIB Matrix Model and the Emergence of Four-Dimensional Space-Time(Particles and Fields)
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The spontaneous breakdown of SO(10) symmetry in the IIB matrix model has been studied using the improved mean field approximation (IMFA). In this report, the eighth-order contribution to the improved perturbative series is obtained, which involves the evaluation of 20410 planar two-particle irreducible vacuum diagrams. We consider SO(d)-preserving configurations as an ansatz (d=4,7). The development of a plateau, representing the condition of self-consistency, is seen in both ansatz. A large ratio of the space-time extent of the d-dimensional part to that of the remaining (10-d)-dimensional part is obtained for the SO(4) ansatz evaluated at representative points of the plateau. This is interpreted as the emergence of four-dimensional space-time in the IIB matrix model.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2006-08-25
Kawai Hikaru
Theoretical Physics Laboratory:department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kawai Hikaru
Theoretical Physics Laboratory Riken:department Of Physics Kyoto University
AOYAMA Tatsumi
Theoretical Physics Laboratory
KAWAI Hikaru
Theoretical Physics Laboratory:Department of Physics, Kyoto University
- Stability of 4-Dimensional Space-Time from the IIB Matrix Model via the Improved Mean Field Approximation(Particles and Fields)
- Improved Taylor Expansion Method in the Ising Model (Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Higher Order Terms in the Improved Mean Field Approximation for the IIB Matrix Model and the Emergence of Four-Dimensional Space-Time(Particles and Fields)