対面、携帯電話、携帯メールでのコミュニケーションが友人との関係維持に及ぼす効果 : コミュニケーションのメディアと内容の適合性に注目して
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In this research, we considered in what way face-to-face, mobile phone, and Short Message Service (SMS) modes of communication are associated with the relationship satisfaction of samesex friends. Specifically, from a media and content suitability perspective, we investigated 9 modes of communication, 3 media (face-to-face, mobile phone, and SMS)×3 types of content (task, emotional, and consummatory), and their association to relationship satisfaction. The results showed that relationship satisfaction and mode of communication were different for friendships where the partners were physically near each other and could see each other face to face even daily (short-distance friendship) and friendships where partners were physically separated and could only rarely meet face to face (long-distance friendship). Primarily, for short-distance friendships, a positive relation was observed for face-to-face consummatory communication and relationship satisfaction. Additionally, for long-distance friendships, SMS consummatory communication had a positive relationship with relationship satisfaction. We looked at these results from interpersonal research and communication research perspectives.
- 2006-08-25
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- 対面、携帯電話、携帯メールでのコミュニケーションが友人との関係維持に及ぼす効果 : コミュニケーションのメディアと内容の適合性に注目して
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