「赤の時代」から「黒の時代」へ : ルソン島北部、カガヤン川下流域、ラロ貝塚群における後期新石器時代から鉄器時代の土器編年(第4部: フィリピン : 貝塚土器の編年,<特集>東南アジアの土器と施釉陶磁器)
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It is indispensable to excavate some well-stratified archaeological sites for establishing the local sequences. However, many researchers face difficulty to find the well-stratified prehistoric sites in the Philippines. Meanwhile, shell-midden sites are often to be composed of several layers because of man-made accumulation of deposit. Therefore a shell-midden site is one of ideal sites for establishing the local sequence. The Lal-lo Shell-midden Sites in the lower reaches of the Cagayan River are such ideal sites. In this article, I deal with the pottery excavated in three shell-midden sites of the Lal-lo Shell-midden Sites: the Magapit Shell-midden Site, the Bangag I Shell-midden Site and the Catugan Shell-midden Site. I participated in the excavation of the Magapit Shell-midden Site in 1987 also, I conducted the excavation of the Bangag I Shell-midden Site and the Catugan Shell-midden Site as a part of the joint project with the Japanese scholars headed by Prof. Hidefumi Ogawa and the National Museum of the Philippines headed by Prof. Wilfredo P. Ronquillo. All of these three sites are well-stratified sites. However, the formation process of these three sites are different. The Magapit Shell-midden Site and the Bangag I Shell-midden Site are the sites which were formed during a relatively short period. All layers of the Magapit Shell-midden Sites were formed during the late Neolithic period. All layers of the Bangag I Shell-midden Site were formed during the Iron Age. Meanwhile the Catugan Shell-midden Site is the site which was formed during a long period. In other words, this site was intermittently settled and abandoned. So the site became the key site for establishing the local sequence. The results of the excavation of the above mentioned two shell-midden sites were combined by the result of the excavation of the Catugan Shell-midden Site. The following things were verified on the basis of the typological study of the pottery from three sites: a) The pottery of the upper part of Layer V of the Magapit Shell-midden Site and the pottery of Layer V of the Catugan Shell-midden Site are almost contemporaneous. b) The pottery of Layer XI of the Bangag I Shell-midden Site and the pottery of Layer IV of the Catugan Shell-midden Site are likewise, contemporaneous. c) The typological transition and succession of the pottery from the upper part of Layer V to Layer II of the Magapit Shell-midden Site was verified. d) There is no overlapped types of the pottery between the pottery of Layer II of the Magapit Shell-midden Site and the pottery of Layer XI of the Bangag I Shell-midden Site. As layers of the Catugan Shell-midden Site were accumulated horizontally, Layer V is older than Layer IV in the Catugan Shell-midden Site. Therefore, the pottery of Layer II of the Magapit Shell-midden Site is older than the pottery of Layer XI of the Bangag I Shell-midden Site. Moreover, the comparison of the pottery of Layer II of the Magapit Shell-midden Site with the pottery of Layer XI of the Bangag I Shell-midden Site revealed a drastic change of the types of the pottery. This suggests the departing of many peopole with the former tradition of the pottery, i.e. the red-slipped pottery and the arrival new people with the new tradition of the pottery, i.e. the black pottery. In other words, "the Age of Black" started with the newly arrived people after the departing of many of the people of"the Age of Red".
- 2005-12-27
- 「赤の時代」から「黒の時代」へ : ルソン島北部、カガヤン川下流域、ラロ貝塚群における後期新石器時代から鉄器時代の土器編年(第4部: フィリピン : 貝塚土器の編年,東南アジアの土器と施釉陶磁器)
- アンコール遺跡タニ窯跡群 : 発掘調査の成果と環境整備方針
- ルソン島北部, ラロ貝塚群, バガッグ I 貝塚の発掘調査と若干の問題