The comparison research of regional economy development between China and Japan
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This thesis mainly illustrates the comparison of regional economy development between China and Japan. By analyzing the policy evolution about China and Japan's regional economy distribution and administrating system, it expounds the development and evaluation of the two countries' regional economy distribution. Regional economy is an objective existence, yet under different economic administrating systems, there are many different points. Before 1978, China's regional economy administrating organs lacked independent organizing ability, greatly preventing the advancement of regional economy. Since the reformation and opening-to-the-out-world, with transferring power to lower level, the independent organizing ability and developing vitality of regional economy has greatly increased. During the establishment of market economy system, key cities and economic zones, which are of advantage to regional economy development, have occurred, in addition, our country has put forward the tentative plan to form seven economic zones gradually "in the ninth Five-Year Plan" and the Programmer for the 2010 Long-Range Target. The regional economy development and industrial distribution of post-war Japan are based upon the connection of natural economic relationship and government's policy on industrial distribution, affected by many factors such as society, economy and geography, etc.. Japanese Government pays much more confection to the regional economy theory and the study of industrial distribution, its administrating departments and law, plan and policy concerning industrial distribution play an important role in promoting the development of Japan's industrial distribution and regional economy.
- 山口大学の論文
- 2005-01-31
山口大学 | 論文
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