- 論文の詳細を見る
As human needs become diverse and complex, a creation of amenity-rich urban space is thought to bear more significance than ever expecially when relaxed life style and pleasant urban life are desired. Under that setting, street space of urban environment is considered to be a most important element to create amenity-rich urban space, which accompanies improvement of safety, landscape, and comfortability of the space concerned. Studies on amenity of city streets dated from 1970's and started drawing increasing attention in 1980's. Few studies, however, examined street space, noting various factors which interrelatedly create amenity of the city. Consequently, they seem to lack overall approaches. Further, few studies were yet to provide information helpful for space consolidation. This thesis aimed to examine issues and solutions related to research, planning, and design of amenity-rich pedestrian space. Conducting both behavioral analysis approach of pedestrian traffic and landscape analysis approach of streetscape, the thesis tried to explore the issues from total perspectives. Especially, in terms of landscape analysis approach which chiefly involved visual information, landscape simulation method was adopted, using image processing system. By means of that method, it became possible to handle various factors and study problems pertinent to the formation of streetscape. Major findings of this thesis are as follows. Using behavioral analysis approach which focused on pedestrian traffic, the thesis clarified the following points. (1) A pedestrian strip contains remnant space which tends to widen in proportion to the entire width of the pedestrian strip: approximately 1.0m in 3.5m pedestrian strip, 2.0m in 6.0m strip. Effective use of remnant space was discussed in regard to overall promotion of street greenery. (2) Street planting reduces evading behavior of pedestrians away from automobiles and improves effective use of pedestrian strip by 15%, and creates safer and more comfortable environment. They altogether contribute to improve buffer effect. The foregoing condition is observed more frequently in combined planting formation consisting of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers than in single planting formation of either trees or shrubs only. (3) Trees provide summer shade for pedestrian space and improve space use by 10%, resulting in more comfortable street environment. That is to say, they altogether contribute to improve shade-of-tree effect. Using landscape analysis approach which focused on streetscape, the thesis clarified the following points. (4) Of those which comprise pedestrian space in public space, street planting, pedestrian traffic, and road-side space are three key elements that work to shape the streetscape. Interrelating those three, the thesis examined effectivity of landscape simulation method. (5) One of the landscape effects of street planting is that its visual information promotes psychological comfortability. In order to achieve landscape effects, combined planting formation works effectively. In other words, trees play an important role due to their shape, canopy, and planting location. Pedestrian space increases comfortability and receives higher evaluation when the ratio of greenery in the field of vision is 30% or over. (6) Greenery of road-side space helps to create pleasant landscape. Facade and hedges of adjacent buildings are also part of road-side space, and they are highly important to promote landscape effects. All those factors revealed the importance of road-side planting, design control/guide of both adjacent buildings and other structures. Greenery should be placed on pedestrian strip, favorably below 1.5m eye level. Using both behavioral analysis approach and landscape analysis approach, the thesis addressed the following point. (7) As behavioral analysis clarified buffer effect and shade-of-tree effect of street planting, and landscape analysis clarified landscape effect on people, it is very important to combine both approaches in order to study street space from total perspectives. It is believed that the foregoing results have been able to indicate directions for future planning and design of urban streets as well as help establish study method for consolidation of amenity-rich pedestrian space.
- 大阪府立大学の論文
- 1994-03-31
- 大阪市聖天山地区を事例とした風致地区制度と緑地景観の保全に関する研究
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- 2008年度 第6回研究発表会(研究発表委員会)
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