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With the advancement of the computer technology, data acquisition methods and small and high-resolution measuring devices are being applied to high precision tests on small size specimens. Since the results obtained by these tests with small size specimens do not appreciably differ from the tests using standard size specimens, it is obvious to choose the high precision tests from economical reasons. In order to examine the effect of specimen size on the test results, we performed round robin tests on small size specimens and evaluated the undrained shear strength by using unconfined compression test. It is well confirmed that tests results with small size specimens on Holocene clay can be satisfactorily used for soil property characterization with negligible margin of error.
- 社団法人地盤工学会の論文
- 2006-08-01
藤原 照幸
小泉 和広
ダイヤコンサルタント(株) ジオエンジニアリング事業本部
三上 武子
応用地質(株) 技術本部
藤原 照幸
(財)地域地盤環境研究所 神戸御影研究所
三上 武子
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