- 肝硬変症患者における血中コレステロールサルフェートの検討
- オキシステロール-存在,構造,生体内作用-
- 胆汁中Ca分画の簡易分析法の確立と胆石症における胆汁中Ca代謝様相の解析
- 酵素法による血中3-keto 胆汁酸測定法の開発
- A case of portohepatic vein fistula successfully treated with balloon embolization for the portal-systemic encephalopathy and metabolic abnormality of glucose and amino acids.
- Simultaneous analysis of bile lipid by the internal standard.
- A study on size of molecular aggregates formed by bile acid-lecithin-cholesterol model solution.
- A study on size of molecular aggregates formed by bile acid in human gallbladder bile : With special reference to comparison of bile with chenodeoxycholic acid treatment and bile with ursodeoxycholic acid treatment.:With Special Reference to Comparison of
- Effect of bile acid side chain on dissolution of CaCO3.
- Detection of the reduced dehydrocholic acid in serum following administration of dehydrocholic acid and its metabolism ; In normal subjects.:IN NORMAL SUBJECTS
- Development of enzymatic determination of dehydrocholic acid in serum and its application.
- 腸管機能に及ぼすアップルファイバーの影響-糖尿病患者について-