- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of sex steroid hormones on gonad differentiation and maturation has been examined in some pulmonates by gonadal regeneration induced after castration. Materials used were the slugs, Limax marginatus and Limax flavus and the snails, Euhadra peliomphala and Achatina fulica. Gonadal regeneration occurred as follows. After castration, muscular contruction in the wall resulted in sealing of the cut surface of the hermaphrodite duct and proliferation of connective tissue elements led to the formation of a mass tissue around the wound. Then, the ductule cells dedifferentiated, proliferated and formed the regeneration bud. Finally, acini developed at the tip and gametogenesis occurred within them. At this period, sex steroid hormones in the hemolymph decreased by castration, following hormone injection induced regeneration. By estradiol, only oogenesis was induced not only in the spatial hermaphrodite snails, but also even in the protandrous hermaphrodite slugs. By testosterone, in addition to spermatogenesis, oogenesis was also induced. Without the injection of sex steroid hormones, gonadal regeneration delayed until the increase of hormones. However, regeneration occurs only in young animals. Regeneration ability mainly depend on the age of animals.
- 日本貝類学会の論文
- 1984-04-15
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