- 論文の詳細を見る
The conchological characters and genitalia of Aegista mikuriyensis and A. proba goniosoma from sixteen localities (Table 1 and Text-fig. 1) mainly in the southwestern part of Kanto District, Honshu, were examined in order to elucidate their relationship. In spite of the fact that conchological features of both species are very close to each other, but careful comparison of specimens could lead one to identify each species and intermediate form has never been found. In A. proba goniosoma the peripherial keel is much stronger than in A. mikuriyensis and never diminishes towards the neighborhood of the aperture, while in the latter it rapidly becomes indistinct at about the last one-eighth turn of the body whorl where it is almost round. Both species are more easily distinguishable by their genitalia. The genitalia of A. proba goniosoma always has normally developed dart sack, accessory sack and mucous gland, while the genitalia of A. mikuriyensis lacks these organs except an occasional presence of small knob, which is considered to be a trace of sack, near the tip of vagina (e. g. specimens from Locs. 5 and 10), or caecum-like dilation (Loc. 9) or extremely poorly developed dart sack and mucous gland (Loc. 6). Such a variability of development of these organs will be interpreted to be the result of successive generations in isolated environment. The present observation of anatomical features as well as distribution of these two snails supports the view that they are not subspecies within a species but distinct species within a species-group. From a close affinity of conchological features and some aspects of genitalia, A. mikuriyensis should be placed under the present genus but not be allocated in a different subgenus such as Neoaegista.
- 日本貝類学会の論文
- 1978-02-28
日本貝類学会 | 論文
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