A Quiver and Relations for Some Group Algebras of Finite Groups(Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Algebras)
- Morita equivalences between blocks of finite group algebras (Algebraic Combinatorics and related groups and algebras)
- Remarks on source algebras of blocks with cyclic defect groups (Cohomology Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics)
- Lifting of equivalences and perfect isometries between blocks of finite groups with Appendices on perfect isometries by Masao Kiyota and on blocks with elementary abelian defect group of order 9 by Atumi Watanabe (Representation Theory of Finite Groups an
- Lifting of equivalences and perfect isometries between blocks of finite groups with Appendices on perfect isometries by Masao Kiyota and on blocks with elementary abelian defect group of order 9 by Atumi Watanabe (Representation Theory of Finite Groups an
- 指数$p$の巡回部分群を持つ群が不足群であるブロック (有限群のコホモロジー論の研究)
- ブルエの可換不足群予想の計算(有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺)
- 有限群の p-ブロックの分裂定理(ホップ代数と量子群)
- ブルエの予想およびルキエの予想に関する新しい結果 (有限群・頂点作用素代数と組合せ論)
- The Isaacs corresponding blocks of finite groups(Group Theory and Related Topics)
- 中心的$p$-群拡大である有限群のブロックについて (有限群のコホモロジー論の研究)