- 論文の詳細を見る
A single Lyncina leviathan (Schilder & Schilder, 1937)[SL : 55.0mm, SW : 31.7mm, SH : 29.8mm] was collected from Ani-jima Island in Ogasawara Island (27°07′N. lat., 142°12′E. long.). The shell was found alive in a crack on the exposed fringing reef on the east coast of the Island during a low-tide. The shell has morphologically similar features as the Hawaiian specimens, such as pustulate margins, and prominent callus on anterior terminal. This is the first occurrence of this species in Japan.
- 日本貝類学会の論文
- 1999-09-30
日本貝類学会 | 論文
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- P17. シュリマイマイ種群の遺伝的分化(日本貝類学会平成19年度大会(豊橋)研究発表要旨)