Spectroscopic Characterization of Enamel Surfaces Irradiated with Er:YAG Laser
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of laser irradiation on the enamel surface spectroscopically. Polished bovine enamel surface was irradiated with an Er: YAG laser apparatus and chemically analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). XPS detected core electron peaks such as carbon (C 1s) and nitrogen (N 1s), as well as calcium (Ca 2s, Ca 2p, Ca 3s, Ca 3p), phosphorous (P 2s, P 2p), and oxygen (O 1s), from the control enamel surface. After irradiation, XPS revealed that the intensity of C 1s peak slightly decreased while that of N 1s diminished below the detection limit. Detailed C 1s narrow scan spectrum of the Er: YAG laser-irradiated enamel surface showed that C-O/C-N, C=O/-CON=,-COO-, and CO_3^<2-> components, attributed to the specific composition of enamel and any common carbon contamination in surplus, relatively decreased. The binding energies of Ca 2p and P 2p, Δ(Ca 2p, P 2p), and the Ca/P ratio of lased enamel were found to be different from those of non-lased enamel. It was also shown that Er: YAG laser ablation caused surface alterations to the apatitic inorganic components of tooth tissue.
- 日本歯科理工学会の論文
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry
YATANI Hirofumi
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry
Kuboki T
Department Of Oral Rehabilitation And Regenerative Medicine Okayama University Graduate School Of Me
Kuboki Takuo
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine D
Kuboki Takuo
岡山大学 医歯薬学総合研究科顎口腔機能制御学
YOSHIDA Yasuhiro
Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry Hiroshima University
SUZUKI Kazuomi
Department of Biomaterials, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceut
Suzuki Kazuomi
岡山大学 医歯薬学総合研究科生体材料学
Suzuki Kazuomi
Department Of Biomaterials Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutic
Suzuki Kazuomi
Department Of Biomaterials Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutic
Suzuki K
Department Of Biomatrials Okayama University Dental School
Suzuki Kazuomi
日本大学松戸歯学部 歯科生体材料学講座
MINE Atsushi
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine,
Research Planning Department, Toray Research Center, Inc.
Nomura Yuji
Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima Jpn
Kuboki Takuo
Department Of Fixed Prosthodontics Okayama University Dental School
Mine Atsushi
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine D
Mine Atsushi
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine A
Suzuki Kazuomi
Okayama Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sci. Okayama Jpn
Suzuki K
Department Of Biomaterials Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutic
Suzuki Kazuomi
Department Of Biomaterials Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry:research Cen
Suzuki Kazuomi
Department Of Biomaterials
Yatani Hirofumi
Department Of Fixed Prosthodontics
Yoshida Yasuhiro
Department Of Biomaterials Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama
Mine Atsushi
Leuven Biomat Research Cluster Department Of Conservative Dentistry School Of Dentistry Oral Patholo
Nakayama Youichi
Research Planning Department Toray Research Center Inc.
SUZUKI Kazuomi
Department of Advanced Prosthodontics, Division of Cervico-Gnathostomatology, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University
YOSHIDA Yasuhiro
Department of Biomaterials, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Science
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