総括(「教育改革」に揺れる学校現場 : 学校は今どうなっているのか?そして教育経営研究は何を期待されているのか?)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This study starts from an agreement that we should make a decision whether recent educational reform are right or wrong. As researchers, or as the members of JASEA, we must investigate the process of an enforcement the educational reform and confusion at schools today. And we must reflect our knowledge about realities of schools. Four school teachers reported about actual conditions of each schools. And one researcher presented a paper from the view point of changing social structure. After that, we discussed about the three points. 1. What are difficulties that school face up to? Furukawa (a principal of an elementary school) pointed out: Teachers regard students and guardians as customers. And a principal satisfied customers with giving there needs priority. Many participants spoke about the matter. Especially they referred that Japanese educational administration system was not completely as an open market, but it seems as community. For example, one cause of the school difficulties are these structural problems. 2. How should we claim in order to counter the school difficulties? It is not effective to claim that teachers are busy, but we need to make it sure what teachers and guardians must do to make better educational practices. 3. What should we aim in this study for the next two years? Three researchers questioned about this study plan to the planner. In the first years report, it was important for researchers and teachers to get common reality of schools. But after this, it will be necessary for us to get a common vision of educational reform in order to counter to the school difficulties.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2005-05-30
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- 総括(「教育改革」に揺れる学校現場 : 学校は今どうなっているのか?そして教育経営研究は何を期待されているのか?)
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