教育イノベーションの継続的採用を促す組織的要因の検討 : 学校と地域の連携による合同運動会の定着過程に関する事例研究
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It is important to succeed to meaning and worth of educational innovation continuously. However the process of organizational reaction to innovation depends on the situation at individual schools. Therefore, there are some schools where an educational innovation has fixed, and there are some schools where an educational innovation has declined. The purpose of this study is to find organizational factors which continuous adoption of educational innovation in elementary schools. In this study two elementary schools were selected to be investigated and interviewed; School A, School B. And fixing process of educational innovation were compared for each school's history. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. Methods of meaning succession in school management organization influenced continuous adoption of educational innovation. A few teachers maintained meaning of innovation in School A, whereas School B tended to establish meaning of innovation in organization. Because the meaning of innovation had established the organization in school B, it had affirmatively influenced the continuous adoption of innovation. 2. In the case of the Athletic Meetings by cooperation with School and Community, the sharing process of meaning of innovation to community-inhabitant through management practice is very important. Because community-inhabitant has participated in Athletic Meetings management, innovation hardly declines. Therefore, It is important for a continuous adoption of innovation, school and community build a systematic relation. In addition, in the case of the educational service by cooperation with school and community, it is important for each school to define the community, however, this point is a future assignment.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2005-05-30
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