生体活性ガラス(Bioactive glass)を用いたラット歯根端切除部の治癒機転に関する病理組織学的研究
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Recently, various bio-materials have been developed and used for dental treatment, and many clinical cases have been reported where bioactive glass (BAG) has been applied and has been shown to induces bone conductivity, similar to hydroxyapatite. Thus, its application as a bone substitute and coating material for artificial tooth roots is expected. In this study, after apicoectomy of a rat's maxillary first molar mesial tooth roots, BAG granules with a mean diameter of 20μm (S-BAG) or 45μm (B-BAG) were filled in the apicoectomy area. No BAG granules were used in the control sites. The apicoectomy area, the surrounding tissue, and the healing process in the apicoectomy area, were visually and electron microscopically observed, and pathohistological evaluation was performed. The results were as follows: 1. One week after surgery, closure of the dental pulp in the bone stump region by addition of dentinum for restoration was observed without adverse changes in the dental pulp by filling the bone stump region with BAG. 2. During the recovery process after filling the bone wound cavity in the bone stump region with the B-BAG, rapid bone formation was observed, and large osteoblasts with a highly stained nucleus were densely arranged. 3. There was a difference in the bone formation between those treated with S-BAG and those of B-BAG, suggesting that the bone forming ability is affected by the size of BAG particles, their superficial properties, or spaces between particles. 4. Three weeks after surgery, transmission electron microscopy demonstrated zonal amorphous layers around the B-BAG and numerous granular structures with high density in the boundary region between the precipitated collagen fibers and B-BAG. These findings suggested that in a bone defective model using a rat's jaw, BAG with large particle size rather than small, is a useful biomaterial with high bone conductivity.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 2006-06-30
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