- 論文の詳細を見る
A study was conducted to examine the nature and extent of the syllabus of elementary schools in Japan between 1891 and 1912. The syllabuses were obtained from the NationalDiet Library, public libraries and university libraries throughout Japan. One hundred and eighty-eight syllabuses, including 101 physical training syllabuses, were obtained. The details involved in creating the syllabuses were classified according to year, prefecture, author, and subject. The results of the investigation were compared among three periods, I: 1891-1899, II: 1900-1906, III: 1907-1912. It was found that the total and average of thephysical training syllabus were almost the same during periods I and II. Physical training was an elective subject during the first period. However, because of the results during the first period, the findings indicated the importance of physical training for this period. The number of syllabuses during period III was lower than for periods I and II. Most of the syllabuses were devised in the Chubu area including Shizuoka Prefecture during period I, and in the Kanto, Chubu and Kinki areas during period II. Most of the authors of the syllabuses during period I were teachers at maintained schools, whereas during period II most were teachers at elementary schools attached to normal schools. Physical training was an elective subject during period I, whereas it was compulsory during period II. Compared with the other subjects, there was an apparent trend for physical training syllabuses to be sufficiently implemented in both periods.
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