東京/台北 : カフェを通して見るプロレタリア文学とモダニズム
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To introduce the perspective of "the cafe" in this paper I would like to consider the underlying premises and the role of the relation between modernism and the proletarian literature movement in the 1930's as they occur in Taiwanese and Japanese literature. The literary works considered are on the one hand, the Taiwanese books Irresistible Destiny by Huikun Lin and Ruin by Wang Shilang, and on the other hand, the Japanese books The Life of a Party Member by Takaji Kobayashi and Restaurant Setting Sun and Self-Introduction by Ineko Sata. The work of Lin is usually classified as "popular literature", while Wang's work is evaluated as leftist literature. That Kobayashi and Sata are considered to be amongst the Japanese proletarian literature is beyond doubt. Below it is argued that what unites the abovementioned works of these four authors-differing in genre, nationality, and gender-is that in the end, they deal with "the cafe". That the cafe is important in relation to Japanese modernism in the 1920-30's has already been repeatedly pointed out. Well, what can we say about the conditions in Taipei? Contrary to Japan where the rise of the Marxist movement and proletarian literature went hand in hand with the establishment of modern cities, Taiwanese modern cities progressed after the suppression of political movements. Well, this difference in time, how is it reflected in the literary works? We will consider this while comparing the works of Taiwanese and Japanese literature.
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