- 論文の詳細を見る
The mechanism and the prevention of disuse atrophy of skeletal muscle is considered to be a most important concern in clinical medicine. However, reports of an effective solution to its problem are few. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to elucidate its pathogenesis and the effect of electrical nerve stimulation on atrophied muscle. Four groups of rats were used for the study. The first group was casted for four weeks. The second group was slso casted and electrical nerve stimulation was applied to the sciatic nerve simultaneously for four weeks. In the third group, after four weeks' casting, the rats were free of casts for an additional four weeks, and the last group had four weeks' electrical nerve stimulation after four weeks' casting. At the end of the experimental period, the specimens from the flexor hallucis longus muscles were stained with NADH-TR. Three types of muscle fibers (red, white, intermediate) were identified by the differences in the staining. Then, the diameter of each fiber was measured and the histogram of each fiber type was made. The results and conclusions are as follows : 1. In the first group, decrease in the diameter of muscle fiber of each type was remarkable, especially in the white muscle fibers. 2. In the second group, decrease in the diameter of all muscle fibers was statistically less than in the first group, especially in the white muscle fibers. 3. In both the third and the fourth group, muscle atrophy was recovered and the grade of recovery was the same. 4. From the second and the third results, it was concluded that the electrical nerve stimulation was useful in preventing disuse atrophy of skeletal muscle.
- 神戸大学の論文
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