- 論文の詳細を見る
To improve the cultural level of all the undergraduate students at Niigata University, a unique class, entitled "Eating and Tasting" as a synthetic omnibus formal subject, was opened in 1995. Fifteen lectures were given with various audiovisual aids by ten dental faculties on the topics of eating and tasting in children and adults. Because of the attractive outline in the school guide, we were flooded with over 500 applicants for a capacity of fifty students. This made us realized that a large population of students is generally interested in fundamental aspects of human beings. Due to the size of the classroom, we only selected 100 students. Every lecture was well attended. After completion, the whole course was reviewed by both teachers and students. Most of the students evaluated the class as satisfactory. Students were asked to make a written report on some of the material seen in class; ninety-eight percent of the applicants were credited with fairy good grades. After the review of the new course, we realized that to improve the quality of the teaching a textbook would be needed. We are now working on that for the coming semester. The subject "Eating and Tasting" might be too wide to be handled merely by faculties in Dentistry. We have thus decided to ask faculties in the related fields such as dietetics and food science to participate in the course. After revisions, the subject "Eating and Tasting" would become a suitable subject for the synthetic omnibus formal subject.
- 新潟大学の論文
- 下顎左側第二乳臼歯萌出遅延の2例
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