- 論文の詳細を見る
Genetic polymorphisms at -1293, -1053, -352, -333, -71, 1132 and 7632 of CYP2E1 and nonnull or null type of GSTM1 were examined in 101 Japanese patients given 0.3-1.35g of acetaminophen(APAP) orally in Niigata University Medical Hospital and 125 healthy Japanese volunteers using PCR-based analysis. In the CYP2E1 and GSTM1 genotype frequencies there was no dif-ference between the patients and the volunteers(p>0.1). The sites of -71 and 1132 were monomorphic in 226 DNA samples. For Pst I(-1293)/Rsa I(-1053) and Dra I(7632) sites of the CYP2E1 gene, haplotype frequencies were also estimated by a method with Arlequin Software. The outcome of the calculation showed that all variant alleles (CYP2E1^*5), recognized by the Pst I, but not by the Rsa I, carried variant allele A of Dra I sites. At the Dra I sites, 65% of all A alleles carried CYP2E1^*5 allele, which could possibly affect its transcription. Seven of the 101 patients were caused drug-induced liver damage by the APAP ingestion. Of the seven patients, one had developed serious liver damage. There was no difference between hepatotoxicity (+) -patients(n=7) and hepatotoxicity (-) -patients(n=94) either in the CYP2E1 genotype frequencies(p>0.06) or in GSTM1(p=0.84). However, the sample number of the hepatotoxicity (+) -patients is too small to evaluate the association between genotypic differences and liver damage by acetaminophen. Of interest was the observation that the genotype CYP2El^*5/^*5was not found in the hepatotoxicity(+) -patients, but was found in three of the hepatotoxicity(-) -patients. In this study, no association was found between CYP2E1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms examined and APAP-induced liver damage.
- 新潟大学の論文
- 2005-02-10
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