- 論文の詳細を見る
Since 75 year, under the suspieces of The City Board of Education of Chiba, the mass urine analysis of boys and girls in the primary and the secondary Schools has been practised. The City Medical Association also has worked together and established a new system. This system is unique and almost complete to administration the mass urine analysis and also has gained the Cooperation of the school boys and girls, the protectors of them, the school doctors and the school nurses. We have analysed the result in '75 and '76, and concluded as follows. 1) The date have been treated uniformly in accordance with a new rational criteria. These are classified IO groups: normal, benign albuminuria, micro-hematuria, a symptomatic hematuria, probable nephritis, acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, nephrosis, urogenital tract infection and others. 2) From the groupe of microhematunia and asymptomatic hematauria, nephritis may develope, and to prevent developing nephritis from these groups, long term observation and restriction of daily life are important. 3) To control the daily life and to adjust the grade of physical exercises, for instances, swimming, running etc., were effective to improve findings of pathological urines. 4) The boys and the girls who have pathological urine are eager to consult homedoctors and obeyed sufficiently to their directions. 5) Diatary contral was also important particulary salt. But we understand that many factors other than those mentioned above, such as environmental factors and familial relationship have marked influences to the findings of the pathological urine.
- 1978-12-20
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