加住丘陵から多摩丘陵にかけての鮮新 : 更新統産大型哺乳類化石
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Some large mammal fossils have been obtained from the Kasumi and Tama Hills located in the southern part of Kanto area except Yokohama region, Japan. These mammal fossils were discovered from the Kasumi and Komiya Formations in the Kasumi Hills, and from the Kazusa Group in the Tama Hills. In this paper, we determine clearly the locality of large mammal fossils that are deposited in public institutes, and discuss the age of formations based on the range of fossil mammal occurrences. Hitherto the name of formation in the Kasumi Hills were described as Lower and Upper part of Kasumi Gravel Bed and Lower and Upper part of the Komiya Sand Bed by the Research Group for Geology of the Western Hills of the Kanto Plain (1995). However, these names are unsuitable to the International Stratigraphic Guide. So in this paper, we call these formation names as follows, Lower and Upper Members of the Kasumi Formation and Lower and Upper Members of the Komiya Formation. The nominal taxa of fossil mammals from the Kasumi Hills were Stegodon miensis, S. sp. cf. aurorae, S. aurorae, Elaphurus shikamai, E. tamaensis, Cervus sp., Mysticeti gen. et sp. indet. The Kasumi Formation and Lower Member of the Komiya Formation are non-marine deposits. Stegodon miensis is found from Lower Member of Kasumi Formation in Akiruno City. Stegodon sp. cf. aurorae is discovered from Upper Member of Kasumi Formation. The Upper Member of the Komiya Formation yielded S. aurorae, Elaphurus shikamai, E. tamaensis, Cervus sp. and Mysticetes. The nominal taxa of fossil mammals from the Tama Hill were Stegodon aurorae, Cervus sp., Stellea sp., Eumetopias sp., Zalophus sp., Odontocetes. Stegodon aurorae is obtained from Oyabe Formation, Hirayama Formation, Renkoji Formation, Kakio Formation, Ozenji Formation and Takatsu Formation. Cervus sp. has been obtained from only Hirayama Formation in the Kazusa Group. The Hirayama Formation yields some marine mammal fossils as follows, Zalophus sp., Arctocephalinae, and some specimens of Odontocetes. The Iimuro Formation yields Stenella sp., Eumetopias sp. and some specimens of Zalophus sp.. The fossil foot prints were discovered from two the Upper Member of the Kasumi Formation on the Kasumi Hills and Oyamada Formation on the Tama Hill. These fossil foot prints include proboscidean's and artiodactyl's. It is divided by stratigraphic range of fossil Proboscidea that the Plio-Pleistocene formation of Japan (Taruno & Kamei, 1993; Taruno, 1999). In the study area, the Lower Member of the Kasumi Formation in the Kasumi Hills is assigned to the stratigraphic range of Stegodon miensis (-3.0Ma). The upper Member of the Kasumi Formation is assigned to the stratigraphic range of S. sp. cf. aurorae (ca. 3.0Ma-2.0Ma). The Komiya Formation is assigned to the stratigraphic range of Stegodon aurorae (ca. 2.0Ma-1.5Ma). The Oyabe Formation in the Kazusa Group, Tama Hills is assigned to the stratigraphic range of Stegodon aurorae (ca. 1.9Ma-).
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 2002-12-25
長谷川 善和
樽 創
長谷川 善和
長谷川 善和
長谷川 善和
Department Of Geology National Science Museum Tokyo:geological Institute Yokohama National Universit
長谷川 善和
長谷川 善和
Geological Institute Of Yokohama National University
長谷川 善和
Gunma Museum Of Natural History
長谷川 善和
長谷川 善和
長谷川 善和
Taru Hajime
Kanagawa Prefectural Museum Of Natural History
長谷川 善和/真鍋
長谷川 善和
Geological Institute, Faculty of Education
長谷川 善和
- シカの生態誌, 高槻成紀著, 東京大学出版会, 2006年6月22日発行, 471pp., ISBN4-13-060187-3, 7800円+税
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