精神科長期入院患者の人間的成長と看護師の役割 : 言語的確認行為の激しい患者への関わりを分析して
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It is said that there is little change in long-stay patient in psychiatric ward. But, I think, if we come back to them individually and examine their speech and actions, we can find that they are changing, each in his and her own way, to a fuller being. In this paper, through the case of a chronic schizophrenic with severe vocalized checking (47 years old, hospitalized for 16 years), I try to verify this view. This patient is poor in basic trust. However, analysis of the data derived from three episodes (scene 1 in November 1998, scene 2 in January 1999, and scene 3 in September 1999), as the scene makes its way from 1 to 3, shows that his speech expressions become abundant, and the scope appears in his action, and he seems to have learned a knack to live in the ward. On the other hand, looking through the nursing records through which I summarize his life in the ward between scene 1 and 2, and scene 2 and 3, we see that some nurses, in addition to this author, also wanted him to be comfortable and gave him their careful attention. Long-stay patient look to be passive, but, as this case suggests, in their speech and action, there are signs of self-formation. Therefore, nurses have to trust in the patients' human growth and promote their sense of security in the ward. I think that, by means of this, nurses can bring out a patient's potential, and contribute to recovery.
- 大阪府立大学の論文
- 2004-03-01
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