- 論文の詳細を見る
The current study attempts to clarify that how a life form of tree is reflected on its cross-sectionalstructure of stem. Based on observation of seedling and phenology, new categories of shrub species aresuggested, which include: Herbaceous semi-shrub; Additional-growing shrub; and Pseudo-shrub. Usingthese new categories, selected 69 species (25 families) were divided into 9 life forms. Diameter of pith,size and density of vessels, width of annual ring of the first year and porosity were measured and analyzedin relation to the life forms. It was different by characteristics how the life forms of trees are reflected on their stem morphology. There is no such report as the current study, which includes about 70 photographs of microscopicobservations in shrub, and these should be very useful resource for the future study.
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