- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated the effect in vivo of the intake of an unbalanced diet on blood fluidity. Whole blood Passage time was determined by MC-FAN (Micro-Channel Array Flow Analyzer) system among twenty-two healthy female volunteers. Each subject ingested an unbalanced diet for 7 days, that is, the lack of carbohydrates, proteins or fats in the diet. Each group was composed of 7-8 peoples. According to the Recommended Dietary Allowances for the Japanese by Ministry of Health and Welfare, the recommended energy is 1,800 kcal for females of 18-29 years old (levels of physical activity II). Also, the recommended fat energy ratio is 20-25% for 18-70 years old. The recommended protein and carbohydrate energy ratios are 13-15% and 60-65%, respectively. In this study, the group of the lack of carbohydrate ingested 0.5 times as much as the recommended carbohydrate of 280g, that is, 140g. In the case of the groups of the lack of fat or protein, they ingested 0.5 times as much as the recommended 50g and 60g, that is, 25g and 30g, respectively. In the group of the lack of protein, the blood flow rate was slower the fourth day than the first day. Moreover the seventh day was the slower than the forth day. The blood fluidity of the group of the lack of fat or carbohydrate was the slowest the forth day. However, the blood fluidity on the seventh day became faster than that on the forth day. These result suggested that the under intake of foods make decreases for the whole blood fluidity.
- 東海学園大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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