- 論文の詳細を見る
The controversy on 'Xin Weishi-lun' between Xiong shili and the scholars in Consciousness-Only School was a highlight in the modern history of Chinese thought. The first focus of the controversy was the question of 'Xingjue' and 'Xingji' on Xingti (the essence of the Buddha-nature). With 'Xingji' as the premise of the Consciousness-Only School, they emphasized on the study of 'zhuanyi' to escape from impurity. On the other hand, Xiong shili took the position of 'Xingjue' and thought that Xingti was not 'empty' but 'substantial' and 'dayong (great function)' directly drived from 'ti (substance)'. Thus he argued that Xingti could be the principle to create cultures. The second focus was the question of Xinti (the premise of the mind). Xiong Shili argued that Xinti had a total and organic consistence, and criticized that the Consciousness-Only School divided the mind into fragments. This argument was based on the fundamental position of Xiong shili's philosophy that the function of the mind was not a complicated and detailed thing but an active, simple and direct thing. But, objectively, his criticism of the school was not necessarily to the point. It was rather a creative 'misinterpretation'. His way of thinking remarkably showed the characteristics of Huayan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism, especially of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism. In other words, he claimed the supremacy and the activeness of the moral character from the perspective of 'tiyong-buer'. It was a logical result that he didn't advocate the philosophy of emptiness based on the 'yuanqi' (theory of arisal through causation).
- 関西大学の論文
- 2004-04-01
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- 『大乗起信論義記』研究(二)
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- 朱熹の釈奠儀礼改革について
- 4 思想・儀礼研究班 東アジアにおける儒教儀礼の研究(平成17〜18年度東西学術研究所研究報告書)
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