- 論文の詳細を見る
Collections of the deep water calappid crab genus Mursia at the National Science Museum, Tokyo, and the National Museum of the Philippines assembled between 1994 and 2003 off Balicasag Island, Philippines, have been studied. Six species have been identified, of which four are new: M. baconaua, M. buwaya, M. diwata, and M. mameleu. The new species are described, photographed and illustrated.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 2004-03-22
武田 正倫
東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物科学専攻 国立科学博物館動物研究部
武田 正倫
Department Of Zoology National Science Museum
武田 正倫
Department Of Zoology National Science Museum Tokyo
武田 正倫
Galil Bella
National Institute of Oceanography, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research
Galil Bella
National Institute Of Oceanography Israel Oceanographic And Limnological Research
武田 正倫
Department of Zoology, National Science Museum:Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
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