- 論文の詳細を見る
The construction of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden started in 1974, and the Garden is scheduled to be opened for the public in October 1983. The vegetation of the area in 1974 is described in accordance with the following vegetational sections in this paper: a. Pinus densiflora forest, b. Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa forest, c. Castanea crenata and Quercus serrata forest, d. Mantle and sleeve plants of forest edge, e. Mulberry and vegetable field, f. Abandoned grassland, g. Abandoned rice field and h. Road-side plants. Most plant species growing in these sections were common to those of the lowland Kanto district. Pinus densiflora, which had been planted artificially, formed the most dominant forest in this area in 1974. A few plants of Hydrangea paniculata and Kalopanax pictus characterestic members of cool temperate region of Japan, and quite a number of Chimaphila japonica were observed in Pinus densiflora forest. They were moved their locations during the construction period. Geranium krameri, also a cool temperate member, is still growing in Castanea crenata and Quercus serrata forest. Plantation of various plants in the Garden started in 1977. Accordingly, the total number of vascular plants in the Garden reached 2001 in specific rank at the end of March 1983, including most plants growing in this area in 1974.
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