受動歩行からヒューマノイドロボット歩行に向けて(3部 モデル解析)
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There have already been many studies of bipedal walking, but most of them have concentrated on building a good controller and have failed to utilize the dynamic properties of robots. Recently a new approach to bipedal walking has appeared. Using this new approach, a robot can walk down a shallow slope without any actuators or controllers. This walking mode is called Passive Dynamic Walking (PDW). Because of its simplicity in respect to both energy and control, PDW is thought of as a "glider" in walking (Pratt, 1999). Since the appearance of the first paper on PDW by McGeer (McGeer, 1990), many researchers have studied various aspects of it. Previous studies, however, treat only the lower part of the body, not the torso. If the purpose of PDW studies is to make effective use of the body in a humanoid robot, it is natural to treat a robot with a torso. In this paper, we show the effects of the torso on PDW walking in two-dimensional computer simulation. For the first PDW trial with a torso, we used a very simple mode consisting of three links: a torso and two legs. This is a simple extension of the simplest PDW robot. First we examined the possibility of PDW by this robot without adding any torque. The center of mass of the torso and the initial condition of walking were changed variously. We could not, however, find any suitable parameters or initial conditions for stable walking with the center of mass of the torso higher than the hip point. We therefore added torque to support the torso and tried to suppress that torque. As we wanted to maintain simplicity of PDW, a simple feedback control scheme was applied as follows: [numerical formula] Torque is applied only to the joint between the torso and the support leg. Given appropriate initial conditions, the robot can walk stably down a shallow slope. Moreover, the walking mode of this robot has the same properties as the original PDW robot suggested by McGeer. For certain parameter combinations, the PDW robot can walk with a stable limit cycle motion. To suppress the torque needed to stand the torso up, four body parameters were changed variously: changing the posture of the torso, adding soft leg tips, changing the curvature of the sole, and adding passive joint resistance. From experimental results, four qualitative points were obtained: (1) as the torso inclines backward, the torque becomes small, (2) a shock absorber is useful to reduce the torque at heel contact, (3) the shape of the sole is important in suppressing torque in the supporting phase, and (4) passive joint resistance is effective in accelerating the speed and duration of walking, but it cannot suppress the torque. Simple analysis shows that the torque at the hip joint to stand the torso up is closely related to the acceleration of the hip. Moreover, the torque at the contact phase is determined by the vertical component of acceleration of the hip, and torque in the supporting phase is determined by the horizontal component. This analysis improves understanding of the simulation results.
- 2002-06-25
細田 耕
浅田 稔
細田 耕
荻野 正樹
Jst Erato浅田共創知能システムプロジェクト
荻野 正樹
春名 正樹
俵 和史
- 柔軟関節を持つ直交型ロボット機構の軌道制御
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- ロボット工学の基礎, 本多庸悟著, 出版社 昭晃堂, 発行 2003年2月, 全ページ 142頁, 価格 2,700円, ISBN 4-7856-9069-0
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- ロボットの行動学習 (ロボットの知能化)
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- 10.画像処理・コンピュータビジョン(テレビジョン年報)
- 10.画像処理・コンピュータビジョン(テレビジョン年報)
- 1P1-E16 教示者の音韻情報と唇の形状を利用したロボットの音韻獲得
- 2A1-G10 筋骨格系ロボットアームによる皮膚感覚と筋感覚を利用した運動発見
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- 2A1-F08 人型筋骨格系を有するロボットアームの階層的制御
- 1A2-L09 柔軟なロボットハンドを用いた揉み動作による物体識別
- ズーム機構を利用した視覚サーボ系の構成
- 移動ロボットの最適な案内地図の自動生成( 統合化生産システム)
- 1A2-L09 ダイナミックタッチに基づく物体カテゴリの形成(認知ロボティクス)
- 2A2-D19 空気圧人工筋骨格系全身型二足ロボットによる立位姿勢の安定化
- 2A1-A06 ヒトのプロポーションを模倣した二脚ロボットの連続跳躍の実現
- 1A1-F15 筋骨格系赤ちゃんロボットの運動発達における脊椎姿勢の影響
- 2A2-D20 肩甲骨を有する人間型筋骨格系ロボットアームの開発
- 1A1-F09 多様な受容器をもつ柔軟なロボットハンドによる滑らない把持の学習
- 1A1-C20 リカレントニューラルネットワークを用いたロボットハンドによる動的センシング
- ビジュアルサーボによる脚式ロボットの揺動の実現
- ロボットの行動獲得のための状態空間の自律的構成
- 三次元再構成を行わない視覚サーボ系のための障害物回避軌道の生成
- 2台のカメラを用いたマニピュレータの平面障害物回避軌道の生成
- 構造やパラメータに関する先験的な知識を必要としないフイードフォワード補償器を持つ適応型ビジュアルサーボ系の構成
- ロボットの行動獲得のための状態空間の自律的構成
- 視覚に基づく強化学習によるロボットの行動獲得
- マクロ・マイクロシステムによるフレキシブル・マニピュレータの制御
- 平面2自由度フレキシブルアームの軌道制御
- 仮想的な剛体リンクと受動関節を用いたフレキシブルア-ムのモデリング
- タイトル無し
- センサ情報の統合と理解のよる移動ロボットのための世界モデルの構築