3次元筋骨格系と階層的神経系を有する2足歩行モデル(3部 モデルによる探索)
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Many computer simulation studies of human bipedal walking have been conducted in the field of biomechanics. The musculo-skeletal systems in previous models, however, have been simplified two-dimensionally, and theoretical methods in robotics have been applied for the motor control mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to develop a more precise simulation model of human walking in order to improve the practicability of the simulation method. As a result, a model was created in which the musculo-skeletal system of the entire body is modeled three-dimensionally, and a mechanism for motor control was constructed by a neuronal system model having a hierarchical structure. The inertial properties of the entire human body were represented by a three-dimensional , 14-rigid-link system. These links include the feet, calves, thighs, pelvis, lower lumbar region, upper lumbar region, thorax, upper arms, and forearms. The body's dynamic model is driven by 42 muscles for the entire body. The arrangement of each muscle was represented as a series of line segments, the direction of which changes according to joint angle. Energy consumption, including heat production, in the muscle was calculated from the generating tension. The hierarchical neuronal system includes three levels. First, at the highest level, there is a neuronal system corresponding to the higher center level. The function of adjusting changes in walking pattern is assumed to exist at this system level. The model was expressed by a computational multi-layered neural network. Second, at the middle level , there is a neuronal system corresponding to the spinal cord level. This neuronal system, representing a rhythm-generation mechanism, was modeled as a network system consisting of neural oscillators. They generate the neuronal stimulus combined for each degree of freedom by receiving nonspecific stimulus from the higher center and feedback signals from the somatic senses. Each neural oscillator is mathematically expressed by two differential equations. Third, at the lowest level, there is a neuronal system corresponding to the peripheral level. The neuronal system divides the combined neuronal stimulus from the neural oscillator into the neuronal stimulus to each muscle. The model is mathematically represented as an optimization problem. The simulated walking pattern was continuous and stable. The walking pattern closely agrees with actual human walking in terms not only of joint movement but also of muscle activities and energy consumption. In order to investigate the effects of higher center system functioning in adjusting walking patterns, we compared a walking pattern generated by a model incorporating a higher center system with the patterns obtained from a model without the higher center system, in terms of robustness of mechanical perturbation. Although the model without the higher center system could not stabilize its walking pattern and finally fell down, the model with the higher center system could perform continuous walking without falling down.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 2000-06-15
- (21)模擬筋駆動型屍体実験装置を用いた全腰椎の筋負荷挙動(4部 生体理解のためのシステム化技術)
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- 5. 腰椎モデルと屍体実験の補完的連携(医療のためのディジタルヒューマン技術)
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- 大腰筋・脊柱彎曲・二足歩行の生体力学的関係 : 計算機シミュレーション研究(二足歩行と大腰筋)
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- (2)ヒト指腹部構造と触覚受容器位置の力学的関係
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- 長時間運転時の肉体疲労の定性および定量的評価
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- 手塚治虫
- 圧力計を用いた多点筋音計測による筋繊維活動成分の抽出 (第31回バイオメカニズム学術講演会 SOBIM2010 予稿集)
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- 生体力学的負荷に着目した疲労低減運転姿勢の開発
- 2次元筋骨格モデルによる座位姿勢の生体内負荷推定手法
- 腰椎支持メカニズムのモデル解析
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- 座位姿勢における生体内負荷と快適性の関係
- 骨格姿勢と腰痛の関係
- 可変ばね式実験椅子を用いた自動車後部座席適合条件の提案
- 自然な背景を含むシーンからの身体画像の抽出
- 日常的腰痛予防の勧め (特集 腰痛予防)
- 多様な事務作業に適した連動二段机の開発
- 腰椎の側方すべり発生に関する生体力学的研究(第2報)
- ディジタルカメラを用いた身体3次元計測手法(画像認識,コンピュータビジョン)
- 運動のし易さの脳内表現とその自己組織化(3部 モデル解析)
- 短時間休息用剛体支持面安楽寝椅子の形状適合化
- 個別適合条件の探索を目的とした可変クッション椅子の開発
- 眠りを科学する
- 体表面長さ変化を利用した介護者腰部負担軽減衣服(3部 医療福祉)
- 多様な事務作業に適した連動二段机の開発
- 新しい身体論を求めて
- 体格差対応頭部水平歯科治療椅子の開発
- 環境変化に対応するブラキエーション動作モデルの構築
- 仰臥位作業域と視野制限に基づく臥床生活者のための可動式収納什器の開発
- 「工学系におけるバイオメカニズム教育」特集に思う
- 第22回バイオメカニズム学術講演会
- 全身筋骨格モデルを用いた設計支援システムとその応用
- プッシュ動作の生体力学的要因と自動車スイッチ配置への応用
- MR画像を用いた大腰筋機能の3次元モデル解析
- 自家開発3次元MRIを用いた回内外運動の3次元解析
- ワイヤフレーム表示を用いた3次元MR画像の開発と前腕骨間膜の回内外中の形状変化
- 講演2「高齢社会と製品デザイン : 身体工学の視点から」(「'01被服学関係部会合同夏季セミナー」を終えて)
- 快適VDT作業姿勢と身体支持条件の提案
- 現場に学ぶ : 理工学部の 「工場見学」
- 献身的看護の限界と展望 (看護医療に期待する)
- 実歩行計測データからの歩行神経回路網の推定(3部 モデルによる探索)
- 熱画像情報による人物状態の自動判断
- 山手線での新しい通勤電車用腰掛の試行
- 下肢の安定性を高める自動車助手席シート・フロア条件
- 駆け込み寺的学会の価値