電気刺激閾値法による筋疲労の定量化(2部 生体の特性)
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When electrostimulation is applied to a living body, the subject cannot feel the stimulation if its amplitude is small or if the muscle is fatigued. The purpose of this study was to estimate muscle fatigue utilizing electrostimulation. A biphasic stimulation pulse, with a pulse width of 1ms and an interpulse interval of approximately 90 ms, is applied to the subject's lower back. Biphasic pulse pairs produce less long-term skin reddening and a more comfortable sensation. The positive pulse induces a conducted action potential, and the negative pulse reverses the electrochemical process that has resulted from the positive pulse. Therefore, balanced-charge biphasic pulses do not cause charge accumulation because the charge in the positive and negative pulses is the same. The stimulus electrode used is a large conductive rubber electrode, which can be used for low-frequency electrical stimulation. The amplitude of the stimulation pulse can be adjusted by changing the power supply voltage. As the pulse amplitude is increased gradually, the subject first feels the stimulation, and the critical perceptible stimulus intensity occurs at a time which is referred to as the electrostimulus threshold. In the study, muscle fatigue is caused by sitting on a standard or lower-quality vehicle seat during a long period of driving. The "standard seat" is the normal seat used in the test vehicle, and the "worse seat" is remodeled to induce muscle fatigue in the subject's lower back by removing some sponge rubber and two "S" springs for lumbar support. After the subject is seated, an electrostimulus is applied every 30 minutes for 3 hours and the subject then rates the subjective pain in the lower back using a six-grade classification from 0 (right after sitting) to 5 (a pain that the subject cannot endure). This suggests an adequate correlation between the subjective fatigue feeling and the stimulus threshold. The time-dependent variations, however, using the standard and worse seat show various remarkable patterns. It is apparent that the feeling of subjective fatigue can be quantified by the electrostimulus threshold.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1998-11-25
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