光ビームスキャナを用いた屋外スポーツの運動計測システム(4部 計測)
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In order to measure the movement of players or of a ball in field sports (soccer, rugby, etc.), it is necessary to measure them in a large field at a high resolution. If players can know about their movement or the trajectory of a ball quickly, it would be helpful for the training. Thus, real time measurement is also needed. We have been developing an optical measurement system. For this purpose, a slit beam is scanned at 360Hz by rotating a polygon mirror. A linear position sensing device (PSD) is used to detect the reflected light from objects. Horizontal position is calculated by determining the exact time of reflection via correlation filter and interpolation method. Vertical position is calculated by (sum output)/(diff. output) of PSD. By synchronizing two unit of this system, 3D position of objects is determined. 3D position of 11 objects can be calculated in real time (<2.78ms) by a high-speed processor (composed of a DSP and a transputer). Horizontal position error is attributed to the following. 1. Flicker of Xe-gas in a lamp. 2. Long-term and short-term fluctuations of angular velocity of the polygon mirror. The error caused by the second factor could be removed by means of some compensation. A slight inclination of vertical axis of the polygon mirror was found to cause vertical measurement noise. This was removed by offsetting the effect of vertical fluctuation of the optical path over one turn of the mirror. Aspects of the measurement system are as follows: Measurement distance: 13.5m〜30m Field of view: Horizontal 48° Vertical±4° over a optical axis Resolution: Horizontal 0.06mm at 13.5m distance, 0.59mm at 30m Vertical 0.37mm (13.5m), 11.7mm (30m) on the optical axis.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1996-07-25
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