手関節とその周囲筋の運動特性(3部 適応)
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(3部 適応)In the field of biomechanical modeling, many kinds of studies of the musculoskeletal systems have been made to estimate the muscular force of the extremity in a specific motion. However, the mechanics of a wrist movement have barely been investigated for defining and modeling the muscular dynamics in a clinical use. And the results from the model often conflict with the experimental results in vivo. This is because the wrist joint models used in the studies are oversimplified without using kinematic and anatomical information such as the axile position, the muscular moment-arm, etc. The purpose of this study is 1) to estimate the axile position of the wrist joint and the momentarm of forearm muscles experimentally and 2) to give the kinematic and graphical data on the wrist joint that is useful for building a musculoskeletal model. In this paper, the method of calculating the 3-dimensional axile position from the measurement of a rigid body motion is applied to estimate the axile position of the wrist joint during flexion/extension. The hand motion relative to the forearm is measured with an electromagnetic tracking system (3SPACE ISOTRAK, Polhemus USA). A specific circular motion is used to confirm the sensitivity of the measuring system to calculate the axile position. The experiments are performed with 5 kinds of load to the wrist joint (no load, 0.1, 0.05kgm anterior/posterior load). The moment-arms of ECRL, ECRB, ECU, ED, EPB, FCR, FCU, FDS, FDP and FPL are evaluated with the results of the axile position and the muscular lines are measured with 3 kinds of wrist joint angle with MRI. The wrist joint axis during flexion/extension is in the range of about 10mm square, at the proximal and anterior part of the lunate. The axile position changes within the range according to the movement and the direction and the magnitude of the load, but the axis falls at almost right angles to the movement plane. The movement of the carpal bones during flexion/extension are measured with an X-ray video camera to substantiate the results of the axile position. The results of the measurement-that the mid-carpal joint mainly moves during flexion and the radio-carpal joint mainly moves during extension-make it manifest that the axile position changes distally and proximally. From the experimental results it is found that the moment-arm of the extensor becomes larger with the load in the anterior direction, and the same is true for the flexor with the load in the posterior direction. The moment-arm of each muscle is a key parameter to relate the joint torque with the muscular force, and also the joint motion with the muscular length. The moment-arm in this study may be used to estimate the forearm muscular length in the modeling analysis of the wrist joint motion. The muscular length is one of the important indices to consider the muscular dynamics investigated physiologically and anatomically. And the musculoskeletal model including this information will be very useful for estimating a practical stimulation pattern of the functional electrical stimulation system.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1996-07-25
松岡 清利
山本 敏泰
大島 淳一
大島 淳一
松岡 清利
山本 敏泰
松岡 清利
九州工業大学 工学部機械知能工学科
松岡 清俊利
大島 淳一
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