椅子の座り心地に対する生体力学的評価(2部 筋・関節・運動)
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A computer simulation method to estimate the musculoskeletal load in various seats and sitting conditions has been developed. The human body was modeled by the following four rigid segments and an abdominal balloon: chest including the head and upper extremities, upper lumbar, lower lumbar and pelvis. These segments were linked with elastic joints and moved on the sagittal plane. The chair was also assumed to be a rigid body; the backrest angle, the seat inclination, the position and the height of the lumbar support were changeable. Inner force components applied to the segments were the reaction torque of joint elasticity, the muscle force exerted by back and abdomen, and abdominal pressure. The supporting forces of the body weight were applied concentrically at the points of contact between the chest and the backrest, between the lower lumbar and the lumbar support, and between the pelvis and the seat surface. By means of the equilibrium equations of these forces and the given conditions of seat and sitting stature, the muscle forces, the lumbar disc pressures and shear stresses, and the abdominal pressure were calculated and displayed graphically on a CRT. To obtain the conditions of seat and sitting stature, equipment measuring the shape of the contact surface was developed. The shape sensor consists of several strain gauges which are equally spaced on thin stainless steel tapes. Since the sensor is flexible, the contact shape between the body and seat surface can be measured without modifying the chair. The signals from the strain gauges are scanned rapidly, and the shape is calculated rapidly by a desktop computer. Other necessary morphological and physical parameters were derived from the literature. The calculated musculo-skeletal loads were brought into good agreement with other experimental studies by means of electro-myogram and pressure sensors. They also showed a similar tendency to lumbar load measured by a manikin with pressure sensors. The total muscle forces, the total shear stresses and the total pressures in lumbar discs were defined as the evaluation indices of the seat's comfort. Consequently, the comfort range of the lumbar support height and position, the backrest angle and the seat inclination were obtained. But musculo-skeletal loads are influenced considerably by the sitting stature regardless of the seat design. This method is applicable for basic evaluation in seat design. The equipment developed for measuring the shape of a contact surface is useful for a detailed design including the influence of seat cushions.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1988-06-15
- 床反力計の高精度化検定手法
- 画像情報を用いた身体動作の計測(1部 形態と運動の計測)
- 運動力学的解析に基づく障害者上肢訓練動作の提案
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- 36 歩行分析における工学的計測と臨床的評価について (第二報)
- 波動伝播に基づく移動機構の研究 : 第3報,柔軟生物の構造・環境・移動パターン(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
- 短下肢装具の可撓性が歩行に及ぼす影響(3部 評価・診断)
- 寝具クッションの生体力学的快適化(1部 生体の力学的特性)
- 上肢の構造と動作との関係(2部 運動解析・モデリング)
- 二足恐竜の正しい歩き方(2部 運動解析・モデリング)
- 椅子の座り心地に対する生体力学的評価(2部 筋・関節・運動)
- 膝関節不安定性の計測と推定(2部 筋・関節・運動)
- 上肢運動の決定要素(1部 生体を知る)
- ヒトの体形と歩行運動(3部 運動の解析)
- 大型床反力計による歩行運動の定量的評価(3部 歩行と解析)
- 討論
- 2足歩行の総合解析モデルとシミュレーション(4部 2足歩行)
- 脚の機能と形態(歩行系の解析に関する研究,4部 歩行)
- 歩行を支配する要因(歩行系の解析に関する研究,4部 歩行)
- ファイバーグレイティングを用いた三次元足部形状計測装置の開発
- 2足歩行運動を生成する神経系構造の自律的獲得
- 汎用3次元筋骨格モデルの開発
- 自由歩行における歩調・歩幅の生体力学的決定基準(2部 形態と運動の力学)
- 歩容障害の三次元的運動分析 : 第3報 : 第27回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会 : 歩行分析
- 35. 連続多数歩歩行の床反力解析システム(歩行分析)
- ヒト指腹部構造と触覚受容器位置の力学的関係 (バイオダイナミックス)
- 3次元動態計測技術の展開(先端人間計測技術)
- 直立2足歩行の起源に関する運動力学的検討 : 霊長類の2足歩行能力の比較(2部 動作解析)
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- 個別適合用靴型CADシステムの開発
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- 13.片麻痺の安定性に関する定量的評価方法について(歩行分析)
- 第22回バイオメカニズム学術講演会