2足歩行機械システムの研究(4部 ロボット)
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In this laboratory, we accomplished static walking in 1972 by biped walking machine WL-5, which is a subsystem of WABOT-1. Since 1973, we have studied biped walking aiming at the accomplishment of man-type smooth walking by a machine model. This time, reproducible "quasi dynamic walking" (the walking in which the trajectory of the center of gravity is stabilized at least once in a stable region during a walking cycle) could be realized by biped walking machine WL-9DR. Its gait is the balance-beam-type quasi dynamic walking on a disturbance-free flat floor; its walking speed is about 9 seconds per step, its stride is about 45cm. The machine model is a man-like biped walking machine with 5 degrees of freedom for each leg, totaling 10 degrees of freedom. Its height is about 1m. and its total weight is about 40.7kg. Each joint is driven by an electro-hydraulic servo system and is controlled by the computer system centering around 16-bit CPU Z8000. The control method is a program control which is designed to continuously feed a previously established preset walking pattern to the machine model. In this paper, we propose a quasi dynamic walking control method with the following two major points. 1) To establish a preset walking pattern, by regarding the machine model as an inverted pendulum model, and analyzing its gait throughout one walking cycle on a phase plane which is composed of the angle of the center of gravity and angular velocity of the center of gravity. 2) To reduce the lag in the system and to improve its follow-up capability, by using the corrected preset walking pattern which is established through the convolution of the reverse transfer characteristics of the system into the preset walking pattern established through analysis and experiments. The experiments by the machine model proves the validity of this control method.
- バイオメカニズム学会の論文
- 1982-08-30
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