アメリカ国民作家になったロシア亡命移民女性 : アイン・ランドの『肩をすくめたアトラス』
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The purpose of this study is to introduce Any Rand (1905-82) and her thoughts by analysing Atlas Shrugged (1957), which is the first attempt in the academic field in Japan. Very strangely Ayn Rand has not been almost unknown in Japan so far, though Japanese people has been eager to translate and read bestseller novels in America. This study also aims to explain this strange lateness of Ayn Rand's appearnace in Japan. Atlas Shrugged has four layers; a mystery story, a science fiction, a female/feminist fantasy and an Arthurian romance. The plot is as follows: From someday and somehow most of the able and virtuous people begin to disappear. Dagny Taggart, the heroic heroine, who is a role model of self-defining, assertive, and competent womanhood, wonders why there are so few competent workers. She wants to know the man who tries to destroy the world by convincing them to quit their works and desert their society. The destroyer is John Galt. Though/because he is a genuine genius, who invents the miracle motor that solves the secret of converting static energy into kinetic power, he decides to create a new world without collective and bureacratic system, under which parasitic, mean people exploit independent, responsible people. Under Galt's project, the productive and capable people join the strike of the mind. They move into Milligan's Valley (Galt's Gulch) in Colorado, and change the place into their own Atlantis, an ideal community. Some live on the outside to get information and search their comrades to be, doing menial jobs, not allowing the moochers and the leechers to utilize their brain power. The outside world without good and great people is approaching a catastrophe. Finally the heroine also deserts her big railroad company and old America, and joins Galt's fellows to create a new America. A 1991 survey by the Library of Congress and the Book-of-the-Month Club lists this novel second only to the Bible as the readers identified as having most influenced their lives. A 1998 Random House/Modern Library readers' poll placed this novel and The Fountainhead (1943) at the top of their list of 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century. Judith Wilt says, "this stubborn bestsellerdom of Ayn Rand's novels in America suggests that the immigrant writer had a grip on some key components of the national fantasy life." What is the national fantasy of America? In Atlas Shrugged, Rand projects what America will become if things continue on the path of choosing collectivism over individualism and altruism over egotism. Dystopian America reflects USSR, and utopian Galt's Gulch mirrors what USA should be. In this point, this novel is "the Cold War romance" which powerfully advocates and supports the great cause and justice of USA in the Cold War Era. The disruption of USSR in 1990 proved the righteousness of Ayn Rand's thoughts, as well as that of American system from economic realm to personal matters. This can be part of why since the end of the Cold War, the number of academic studies of Rand and her thoughts has remarkably increased. Nevertheless, very few attempts have been made at Rand in Japan. The reasons can be explained as follows: First, her novel seems right-winged and too conservative for Japanese readers. In Japan, aside from mainstreamed conservative, right-winged politicians, intelligent people's cultural/political milieu has been left-winged and pro-socialist/communist, despite their acceptance of prosperity and freedom under American capitalistic system. Second, Rand's concept of a human being as an individual with free will and reason seems too against the grain of the 20th century's modern and postmodern thoughts. Rand's main philosophy, Objectivism seems too anachronistic and naive, as compared with Nietzsche's words, "There is no fact. There is only interpretation." Japanese people are very easy to accept such postmodern relativism, since the traditional, philosophical background of Japan is far away from absolutism. Similarly, third, Rand's emphasis of individualism and egotism is completely opposite to the taditional ethos of Japanese people. Good or bad, Japan is still in the pre-modern values and thoughts. Most of Japanese people are likely to confuse individualism with isolationism, egotism with egoism, and cooperation with conformism. Some social scientists indicate, the govermental and economical system in Japan share collective and bureacratic policies with communist and socialist nations. Even though Rand's philosophy is against modern and postmodern thoughts, or even if it is opposite to the traditional ethics of Japan, American people after the middle of the 20th century have been greatly influenced by Ayn Rand's novels. This is a fact to face. It was a great fault of Japan that Japanese people had no opportunity to know Ayn Rand and her thoughts. To investigate the national desire and fantasy of America which we can perceive in Atlas Shrugged. is what Japanese people should begin and keep above all. Because Japan has been one of tributary countries of American Empire since the defeat of the Second World War and must be also in the future, at least during the first half of 21th century, whether Japan likes or not. Without grasping the national fantasy of its suzerain state, a tributary country cannot know how to cope with its own vulnerability.
- 2001-07-10
- ジェンダー・フェミニストはリバータリアンでなければならない(岡田章子教授退任記念号)
- 「アメリカのフェミニズム」の暴力志向を考える : 憲法修正第二条と民兵と脱国家世界の市民像
- アメリカ国民作家になったロシア亡命移民女性 : アイン・ランドの『肩をすくめたアトラス』
- アイン・ランドの資本主義観 : 反ビジネス文学風土の中でビジネスマンを祝福するAtlas Shrugged (生瀬克己教授追悼号)
- アイン・ランドの資本主義観--反ビジネス文学風土の中でビジネスマンを祝福するAtlas Shrugged
- ヴィジョンなき国家のアニメ : 大友克洋作Akira
- Mary McCarthyのThe Group再読 : 女性雑誌用小説/「新しい女」たちの挫折物語/早すぎたパワー・フェミニズム小説
- 研究発表第三室(日本英文学会第68回大会報告)
- Symposia第七部門「アメリカ文学研究と日本の大学の教養教育」(日本英文学会第76回大会報告)
- アイン・ランドの資本主義観--反ビジネス文学風土の中でビジネスマンを祝福するAtlas Shrugged
- ストリートスマート・フェミニストのための「強姦ナラティヴ」--Andrea Dworkin のMercy (特集:アメリカ文学と性暴力)
- 「男でも女でもないそれ以上の何か」 : ジェンダーから読むWinesburg, Ohio
- 多文化主義とポストモダニズムの90年代におけるフェミニズム表現って? : Sue Harrisonの三部作Mother Earth Father SkyとMy Sister the MoonとBrother Windの場合
- 陰画としての : The Glass Menagerie におけるその劇的機能
- 書くこととpolitical correctness : Susan SontagのThe Way We Live NowにおけるAIDS表現の場合
- 書評 巽孝之著『リンカーンの世紀--アメリカ大統領たちの文学思想史』
- 書評 下河辺美知子『歴史とトラウマ--記憶と忘却のメカニズム』
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- アメリカ現代児童文学のゴリヤク--ブスで馬鹿で貧乏で自閉的なあなたへ (特集:今、アメリカ児童文学がおもしろい)
- 巻末評論
- 「政治的に正しい」「90年代的」アメリカ児童文学って? (特集 変動する世界と児童文学)
- 清水真砂子「幸福の書き方」(宝島社 JICC出版局より改称,1992),「子どもの本のまなざし」(同)--物語をこわすこと・こわされなかった物語 (児童文学批評への注文) -- (評論集を読む)
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- 儲ける--Atlas Shruggedが寿ぐ美徳の産物としての貨幣 (特集:アメリカ小説を支えるたち)
- 巨人に既製服を着せること--The Cider House Rules (特集:英米文学者の映画論)
- 冷戦とフェミニズム--「冷戦ナラティヴ」としてのThe Group
- Leaves of Grass/Children of Adam 詩群とフェミニズム批評 : 「自己のディスクール」と「世界性のディスクール」の間
- ホモセクシュアリティという思想 : アメリカ文学とフェミニズムの文脈から
- The Two-Character Play/懐かしい悪夢 : ***のテーマとその表現, 及び劇中劇構成と監禁のモチーフについて
- M.C. Higgins, the Great における「他者」としての少女像 : 制度/商品/ジャンルとしての児童文学の限界利用の一例として
- Virginia Hamilton の The Planet of Junior Brown : 「商品」としての児童文学とその戦略の具体例として
- あるいはの寓話 : Tennessee Williams の短編 "One Arm" 再読
- 「超淑女」のヤヌス的機能 : A Streetcar Named Desire と sexual politics