- 論文の詳細を見る
The immunopotentiating action of PS-K and OK-432 have generally been not shown in normal animals but in cancer-bearing ones. It was, however, reported that the number of the hemolytic plaque-forming cells (PFC) in the spleen was significantly higher in the PS-K treated normal C57 BL/6 mice when immunized with a low dose of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) (1×10^7). In order to evaluate the effect of PS-K and OK-432 on the antibody production in the normal mice, the number of the PFC in the spleen after the immunization with the low dose of SRBC was assayed. Two kind of experiments were performed in normal six-week-old male ddY mice, which were divided according to the drug administration into the PS-K treated, the OK-432 treated and the non-treated control group. Experiment 1 : PS-K was administrated intravenously at a dose of 100mg/kg and OK-432 at a dose of 0.5KE daily for 7 consecutive days. The next day after the last drug administration, the mice were immunized by intravenous injection of 1×10^7 SRBC. Four days later, the mice were sacrificed and the numbers of PFC in their spleens were assayed according to Jerne's direct method, and 9 days later according to indirect method. The numbers of the PFC both on the 4th and 9th day in the OK-432 treated mice were more than those in the PS-K treated mice, and the latter were more than those in the non-treated control mice. But no significant differences were statistically found in any combination. Experiment 2 : The doses of the drugs were diminished to PS-K 50mg/kg and OK-432 0.25KE. Nine days after the last drug administration, the mice were immunized with the same dose of SRBC. The number of the PFC on the 4th day in the PS-K treated mice was more than that in the OK-432 treated mice, and the latter was more than that in the non-treated control mice. No significant differences were, however, shown in any combination. The number of the PFC on the 9th day in the PS-K treated mice was less than those in the other two groups. The number of the PFC per spleen on the 9th day in the OK-432 treated mice was less than the non-treated control mice, but the number of the PFC per 10^6 spleen cells was more than those in the other two groups. From these observation, PS-K and OK-432 were not found to enhance the antibody production, at least, in the normal ddY mice.
- 北里大学の論文
- 1978-12-31
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