外国語学習における日本人学生の自律性 : その現状と自律性の促進への提案
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This paper tries to outline Japanese students' autonomous learning capabilities by contrasting behaviour patterns and characteristics that are considered supportive to successful language learning with those that Japanese university students show in the process of learning their second or third language. It pleads for a systematic and explicit promotion of more autonomy in a university classroom context, in order to help students become more efficient language learners. The last chapter attempts to give some general procedures and sets of classroom activities that might help introduce routines of metacognitive considerations in tasks and exercises, leading to more self-reflection on the students' learning process as a basis for self-directed and successful language acquisition. Task orientated activities and projects that implicitly promote autonomous learning shall not be discussed in this paper for reasons of brevity although they are of vital importance.
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- 如来滅後後五百歳始考
- 翻訳 ディーパンカラシュリージュニャーナの『菩提道灯論細疏』和訳(6)
- 真諦訳『摂大乗論世親釈』における増広部分の検討(4)釈依止勝相品(所知依章)
- 日蓮聖人の立教開宗をめぐって
- 〔日蓮宗〕立教開宗七百五十年記念号